Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Size matters

I'm just here to lament one small fact...I AM BIG, I mean really big. I get asked multiple times a day how many babies I will be having (even a total stranger at the bank today asked me if I was having twins!). It's a little embarrassing to have gone from regular smalls to maternity extra larges and here's the result...
my belly still hangs out!! Can you say ALL OUT FRONT?!
I never would have thought that my body could stretch like this, and if you had shown me this picture even 5 months ago, I would never have thought that this person was me. Well, here's to being 6 days from your due date!


Jeanette said...
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Jeanette said...

Hey Babe! All you can do is grin and bear it...and hope your not 2 weeks late or something horrid like that. :) It'll all be worth it in about 3 months, once you've gotten into a routine and aren't so sleep deprived. HEHE....I better stop talking cause I am making birth and parenthood seem terrible. It's really not though, it's the greatest blessing you can ever be given. And look on the bright side, all of us who really matter think your beautiful no matter what size you come in. Love you!