Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Growing Legs

People warned me early on that I'd get what's called "pregnancy brain." I confess - I only half believed them. Well, let me tell you - IT'S TRUE AND IT'S CONTAGOUS!!!
Lately Paul and I have noticed that there is more in our house that's growing legs besides the baby inside me. We've noticed that the oddest things have gone MIA - his wedding band and my mouthguard (that I have to wear every night when I sleep or I grind my teeth and get horrible headaches). We searched Sunday night, almost all night for his wedding band and couldn't find it anywhere. We searched last night until 11:45 for my mouthguard - again, no luck.
Do things like that really grow legs or are we just going crazy? I've never been one to loose things. I've misplaced my keys maybe twice in the past 5 years. One of my life's mottos is "everything has its place." Looks like life is going to be changing pretty drastically soon.

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